It is suitable for early Spring and Autumn cultivation in open field, tunnel and plastic greenhouses. Since cauliflower is a warm and cool climate plant, it will not be affected by extreme heat in the autumn (at the earliest; by planting in the field between 1 December-31 January in the coastline, 15 March-15 May in the highland areas) or in the autumn (at the earliest 30 August on the coastline) for the open field. Appropriate sowing or planting dates should be adjusted according to the regions, such as: – planting in the field by September 25 at the latest. If cultivation will be carried out in a tunnel or plastic greenhouse, sowing seeds and planting seedlings should be shifted to cooler periods (early spring, late autumn). It should not be forgotten that cabbage is sensitive to day length and temperature.

Preparation of soil preparation, planting, soil structure, planting on the wrong date, elderly seedlings, dry pre -planting seedlings, cold and rainfall and weak care conditions due to reasons; Occurs.

If high temperature is observed during the head formation period, watering should be done more frequently and abundantly, and if possible, with SPRAYING from the top in the morning and evening coolness.

Yorumunu Gönder
