Celery is a type of vegetable whose production and consumption habits are not very common in our country. It is a biennial plant, the root of the root celery is formed in the form of a potato in the first year, it flowers and sets seeds in the second year. However, no tuber occurs in the stem leaf celery, which is the second group in this species.
Cultivation of celery as a vegetable, which has been grown as a medicinal plant for centuries, is encountered quite later than other vegetables. Today, both among the people and in modern medicine, it is agreed that celery is a medicinal plant that can be used in appetite, calming the nerves, kidney and joint diseases due to the vitamins and other substances in its structure.
Due to the ethereal oils in the celery, its leaves, roots and seeds have a unique odor. While this fragrance is appreciated by some consumers, some do not like it.
The celery plant likes warm and cool climates. It gives abundant crops on moist sea coasts and strong soils. Although it is quite resistant to cold, it does not like hot and dry conditions. The climate where it develops best is relatively cool and where precipitation is uniformly distributed during the development period.
The soils preferred by celery are loamy-sandy soils that are deep and permeable, rich in humus and nutrients. In addition, well-drained turbid soils are also suitable for celery cultivation.
In celery cultivation, the soil must be well prepared so that the roots in the form of tubers under the soil and above-ground parts can develop well. In this respect, the soil should be deeply cultivated and well leveled by removing stones, dung and other foreign materials.
Since celery stays in the soil for a long time and removes a lot of nutrients, the place where it is grown must be rich in organic matter and other nutrients. For this reason, 3-4 tons of well-burned farm manure per decare should be spread on the soil before planting the seedlings. In addition, if soil analysis has not been done, 30 kg of superphosphate, 20 kg of ammonium sulfate, and 25-30 kg of potassium sulfate fertilizers are given per decare. For a good root development, attention should be paid not to give more nitrogen fertilizer than necessary.
Cultivation work begins with the production of seedlings. According to the climate of the region, the cold pillows prepared in the period between February and April are scattered or planted on the line with the calculation of 1 gram per m2. Sowing is on the face, the cover is not thrown away, it is enough to mix it very lightly with a rake. It is pressed with a wooden mallet and watered with a filter bucket. Necessary maintenance work is done on seeds that germinate in 15-20 days.
Seedlings Are Planted In Bobbins
While the seedlings develop with a pillow, the main growing areas are prepared. For this, the parcel to be planted is fertilized and processed deeply with a waist or plow. clods are distributed, foreign materials are cleaned, the face is leveled with a rake. If it is to be grown in double rows, 50-60 cm wide bobbins are prepared, if it is to be grown in a single row, 30 cm wide tubes are prepared.
When The Seedlings Have 4-5 Leaves, They Are Planted
After the preparation of the bobbins, the developed seedlings with 4-5 leaves on the pillows are removed in June-July. It should be watered with plenty of water the day before so that the seedlings are not damaged by the removal. The roots and leaves of the seedlings to be planted are pruned with scissors or a knife. Plantings are made with croches with a distance of 30 cm above the row, the soil is slightly compacted and life water is given immediately.
It is possible to plant celery seedlings between summer cucumber, tomato, pepper and eggplant plants. However, this method can be recommended mostly to amateur producers. 3-4 weeks after planting, the first hoe is made in order to remove weeds and fluff the soil. Hoeing is done 2 or 3 more times depending on the grass density. Regular irrigation is continued throughout the summer.
In root celery, harvesting starts 6-7 months after planting seeds under suitable conditions. Since the beneficiary part is tuberous roots, these roots should be harvested before they become ruddy.
Celery is loosened with a hoe and pulled out by hand. The throat parts are cut, washed thoroughly, and the thin roots at the bottom and sides are also cleaned. It is sold in nylon bags, crates or small sacks.
2-3 TONS OF Celery Per DEC
In places where the winter season is warm, root celery is extracted from the soil in batches. In places with severe and frosty winters, all celery is uprooted; It is stored either in underground silos or cellars. With a good seed and suitable growing conditions, 2500-3000 kg of root celery can be taken per decare.
Celery Stalk
Stem celery or leaf celery, which is not widely produced in our country, is produced only for its leaves and stems and does not form roots. The way of cultivation is the same as for root celery.